
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

What's in the name!?

"Change is the only constant thing in life" 

Perhaps, Marriage is my biggest proof to back up this statement. For those married and reading this, know exactly what I mean! And for those who haven't taken the plunge yet, all I can say is wait and watch:P

When I took a dive into the pool of this M world, I knew one thing certain enough to change was my last name. But this was the kinda change that I had happily accepted.  Though my passport and other legal documents took a while for the name change, my social media profiles were already celebrating the change! 

I've had repeated discussions with my girl friends about the whole "name change game". To do or not to? What's right and what doesn't feel right? While some chose to stick to their maiden name, few others talked about opting for the "Aishwarya Rai Bachhan" approach.
There isn't anything right or wrong about choosing what to do, and I believe it's purely a matter of personal choice. 

Personally for me, name changed or not, Marriage is a bigger change than that. The tag that follows with your name shouldn't be defining the person we are. A change in the last name can neither steal your identity, nor deprive you of the love of your parents. 

After all if there is anything I would want people to know me for, it would rather be for the person I am than a name changed or unchanged! 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Monsoon, come soon!

Last night I practically woke up in the middle of the night thinking it was raining so hard that the roof above me had leaked, as droplets of water soaked my eyes. Turns out it wasn't the rain or the roof leak that had caused it. The damn air conditioner situated right above the bed was leaking and targeting exactly my eye. Annoyed that my sleep was disrupted and lazy to find the remote by myself, I asked dear husband to grab the remote and shut that water leaking device off! Hoping to catch up on my remaining sleep.

I'de been crazy enough to think that the heavy rain was responsible for all the inconvenience  in the middle of the night. But how I also wish that it was true. 

Irony is that while news channels and newspapers talk about floods in other parts of India. Staying here in Maharashtra, I feel we have skipped the monsoon season all together and continued the summer! 

My evening chai misses the company of deep fried onion pakoras, the garden outside is waiting for the early morning dew, and certainty we all can't wait to smell gilli mitti ki Khushboo. Oh dear monsoon.. It's September already, please come soon. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Twinkle Twinkle, BIG STAR!


Life is too short!  Why not live it doing things we love! Isn't it? If you ask me, the basic necessity of life (apart from Roti, Kapda and Makaan, of course) is being able to bring happiness into our lives. Doing things that really makes one happy. Be it anything. A year ago I found my passion for writing, few months back, I lost it to  "I am too busy" attitude of mine. In this entire process of writing my heart out to not taking time out for my passion, I realized what I was missing. The happiness that came from blogging was far too valuable. Lucky enough, I got just the right push I needed for a restart!

It happened last week.....

A usual morning as I watched the news on tv sipping my tea. Switching between various news Channels, this particular piece of news really caught my attention. The gorgeous Twinkle Khanna was out there for the launch of her first book named "Mrs funnybones" I've always admired this lady! Not just her drop dead gorgeous looks, but for all the other talents she showcases.

Apart from being born to famous parents, married to one of the leading actors in the industry and being a mom to two kids, she is one amongst those who have successfully carved an identity of their own. Candle making, interior designing, her blogs and now a book! It was indeed a pleasant surprise.

The next obvious thing I did was order one for myself. Now I'm not just excited to read and find out what's in it, but also happy to have regained the desire to start writing!:)